Alternative unit size for Light Bobs

I wanted to post this as a follow up on my review of the rules Light Bobs. If you are like me you like the number of figures to represent the size of the unit. While I understand, the methodology behind the unit sizing in Light Bobs as written, it didn’t look esthetically pleasing when I put the units on the table. With a view to create what I feel is a better view of the figures on the table I came up with this simple modification to Light Bobs unit size.


The only thing that needed to be change was the number of combat dice per figure to make unit sizes a standard number. Because combat dice are based upon the number of figures remaining in a unit it was a simple task to assign the number of combat dice a max strength unit in the unmodified rules to a unit of the same quality with 12 figures (the max of any unit in the rules). This means that at full strength (which I am calling 12 figures) an elite unit still has 8 combat dice, veteran has 6 combat dice and average has 4 combat dice. This corresponds directly with the number of combat dice list in the rules that each unit should have at maximum strength (i.e., Elite unit lists 4 figures as max in the core rules with 2 combat dice per figure for 8 combat dice at full strength.)   The only change that I made was to Poor troops. In the core rules a Poor unit has a max strength of 12 with ½ combat dice per figure for shooting. This means that a full strength Poor unit has more combat dice for shooting as an Average unit who has a max of 8 figures and ½ combat dice per figure. To correct what I see as an anomaly I changed the base shooting dice to 4 for a full size Poor unit for shooting giving them the same fire power as an Average unit. I did modify the formula to round down so the fire power degrades slightly faster than an Average unit. Melee I kept the formulas the same:

combat dice

All other rules remain the same when using this modification. I am still experimenting with preventing Poor units adopting close order but that has yet to be ironed out and may not be necessary. Please let me know how this works for you as you try it in your games.

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