Steel Fist Samurai – Update

This is an update to a previous post here about painting Steel Fist Samurai.

It came to my attention thanks to Oliver over at Steel Fist Miniatures that I had made a few errors while painting this Samurai miniature. Always happy to receive feedback I have made some corrections mostly to the armoured gauntlets which were Chainmail and I had painted as gloves. (As seen below painted yellow)

IMG-20150522-WA0006I have also made my mind up to paint my Samurai as the Li Clan as the Vanguard of Tokugawa set in the 1600’s I just love the thought of all the red uniformed armour, which was scarce in Japan at the time (Talking about a uniformed look rather then the colour)

So I decided to repaint this exotic Sashimono as well to suit the rest of the miniatures I am painting. Here is the amended miniature:

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Back onto the next miniature 🙂
