Samurai – More painting of the Steel Fist miniatures

Ok I know this has taken a while but I have been quick sick with the flu, I’m still bunged up right now and sniffling over the keyboard.

I started out wanting to paint one brown, I had seen so many reference to Brown or Black Samurai armour and I saw one or two with pale blue lacing.


I decided to go with a teal material to compliment the pale blue and wanted a dark non-descript Sashimono and saw a nice one with Black and White, so decided on stripes. By this point I was sick of dots it was nice to paint a stripe. I have also been watching various Samurai based TV programs and in combat they have some very bright clothing, I even saw some with yellow gloves 🙂


I wanted to add a decrotive pattern to the teal and went with wite again but was not sure what to paint, looking on reference I saw big badass Samurai with… er flowers.



Nearly done now… I have seen some images with personel prayers attached to Sashimono’s so I thought I’d add a papper one and paint it white to stand out.



Just about done now

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Just started the third figure of these samples provided by Steel Fist Miniatures.
